🤖 GitHub Octocat Automate your GitHub workflow effortlessly.

Boost Your GitHub Efficiency

Get more done by automating repetitive tasks.

Feature 1 Icon

Automated PRs

Auto-label them based on size and impact.

Feature 2 Icon

Validates PRs description

Requires check-lists to be completed on PR description.

Feature 3 Icon

Custom NPM Workflows

Generate distribuition/build files from NPM/YARN projects, run Prettier, and more.

Feature 3 Icon

Custom .NET Workflows

Run liters, CSharpier and dotnet format commands from pull requests.

Feature 3 Icon

Automate issues

Generate issues description using AI (OpenAI, Llama, Claude).

Feature 3 Icon

CI/CD integration

Bump version (GitHub Actions/GitVersion/Appveyor).

Feature 6 Icon

Code Quality

Integrate commands with CodeClimate, Codacy, Codecov, DeepSource, SonarQube, and more directly from pull requests.

Available Commands

@gstraccini help

Shows the help message with available commands.

@gstraccini add project <projectPath>

Adds a project to the solution file (only for .NET projects).

@gstraccini appveyor build <type>

Runs the AppVeyor build for the target commit and/or pull request.

@gstraccini appveyor bump version <component>

Bumps the CI version in AppVeyor.

@gstraccini appveyor register

Registers the repository in AppVeyor.

@gstraccini appveyor reset

Resets the AppVeyor build number for the target repository.

@gstraccini bump version <version> <project>

Bumps the .NET version in .csproj files. ⚠️ (In development, it may not work as expected!)

@gstraccini cargo clippy

Formats the Rust code using Cargo Clippy (only for Rust projects).

@gstraccini change runner <runner> <workflow> <jobs>

Changes the GitHub action runner in a workflow file (.yml). ⚠️ (In development, it may not work as expected!)

@gstraccini codacy bypass

Bypasses the Codacy analysis for the target commit and/or pull request.

@gstraccini codacy reanalyze commit

Reanalyzes the Codacy last commit in a pull request.

@gstraccini codeclimate bypass

Bypasses the CodeClimate analysis for the target commit and/or pull request.

@gstraccini copy labels <repository>

Copy the labels from another repository.

@gstraccini copy issue <repository>

Copy an issue from one repository to another ⚠️ (In development, it may not work as expected!)

@gstraccini create labels <style> <categories>

Create the default labels in the repository.

@gstraccini csharpier

Formats the C# code using CSharpier (only for .NET projects).

@gstraccini fix csproj

Updates the .csproj file with the packages.config version of NuGet packages (only for .NET Framework projects). ⚠️ (In development, it may not work as expected!)

@gstraccini npm check updates

Update dependencies in a package.json and package-lock.json using the npm-check-updates (only for NPM projects).

@gstraccini npm dist

Generate or regenerate the dist files. It will run the following NPM command: npm run package.

@gstraccini prettier

Formats the code using Prettier.

@gstraccini rerun checks <conclusion>

This option reruns the checks in the target pull request upon current status.

@gstraccini rerun workflows <conclusion>

This option reruns the workflows (action) in the target pull request. It is only available for GitHub Actions!

@gstraccini review

Enable review for the target pull request. This is useful when the PR submitter wasn't on the watch list, the webhook was not captured, or some failed scenario occurred.

@gstraccini update snapshot

Update test snapshots (npm test -- -u) (only for Node.js projects).